Friday, March 26, 2010


Bahahaha. Yeah. It had reached a point.

I liked to say facebook was the only social networking tool I overused. To some degree it's true. I've also had an lj for years (that's very, very private) and used to crawl myspace. But facebook was the first thing I'd check. I'd check it about 20 times a day. My reasoning was that it's my first year here, I'm lonely and relatively isolated, facebook lets me stay in touch with my old friends.

Unfortunately, that can be a curse too. I argue that it contributed to my isolation and homesickness. But most of all, it just took up way too much of my time. I asked my dear SO to change my password so I can't check it at school. I didn't want to delete the account, but I didn't want it to be convenient either. This is a temporary measure, until may when the semester is over.

It's amazing how creative you can get with procrastination when you don't have facebook. My poison? Comic strips. Webcomics PhD, Sinfest, and xkcd and of course newspaper comics from and In most ways comics are not a new and novel way for me to waste time. In fact, I've been reading Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes since I was little and they essentially taught me how to read. But it's amazing how they never fail to rob me of a nights sleep when reading archives.

I'm also a news junkie, but since I don't really have TV service (too cheap for a converter or cable) I get my news online.

Although I waste significantly less time online because I'm no longer on facebook, it doesn't solve my procrastination issues entirely. Oh darn.

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